Additional Visual Analytics

Visualization Tools




Barchart Objects of Interest

Plotly Walk Path

Plotly Head and Gaze

Plotly Barchart

Some Available Tools

Getting Started

To add a Python Library to Vizard, use Tools > Package Manager.

Comprehensive Visualization Resources

Additional Analysis Tools

In addition to Session Replay, video recordings, tracking data, and experiment summary files (both included and custom), you can use Biopac Acqknowledge and other third-party tools for data analysis.

Specific Examples

Barchart for Gaze Data

See ExampleScripts/Barchart example for a matplotlib barchart showing gaze data on objects of interest.

Barcharts and Histograms


See for generating a box plot comparing 2 independent variables' association with 2 dependent variables.

Plotly Visualizations

Customizing Visualizations

To add or modify visualizations, adjust the code between where it loads "data" or "df" and where it saves the file at the end.

Using LLMs for Visualization