Creating a New Scene


This page will walk you through the process of creating and setting up a scene in SightLab VR. Whether you're working with 3D models or 360 media, this will help you get started with your project. 

See this page for supported 3D model types and where to get 3D models. One good source for getting 3D models is (download as .glb see this tutorial for more info). There are also a few environments you can start with in the environments folder in the Sample Project (or clicking "Built In", as well as some sample objects in the “sightlab_resources” folder.) 

Setting Up Your Project

Using the GUI Editor

Note: if you have a different python editor installed on your system in addition to Vizard, you will need to ensure that the file opens in the Vizard python environment. If the GUI doesn't load, try right clicking on the script and choosing "Open With- Vizard 7" (in C:\Program Files\WorldViz\Vizard7\bin\winviz.exe if it's not available in the list). 

   2. Choose your hardware mode:

Create a new project:

Additional options:

Opening the Experiment Options Editor

Note: You can also run the Inspector 3D model editor directly from the Inspector shortcut in the main SightLab projects folder, or from the "Tools" menu in the Vizard IDE.

Managing 3D Models and Media

In the Experiment Options editor, you'll see any 3D models and media you've added to your resources folder.

Changing Working Environment

Left Shift - Toggle locking the scene (this will also go into region of interest selection mode with 360 media)

. (period)/ F1 - Toggle hiding the menu

Use the mouse to look around

WASD to move left/right/forward/backward (or arrow keys)

Z to move down, X to move up (or Pageup and PageDown)

Q, E rotate left and right (or use mouse)

R Reset viewpoint

/ Take screenshot

; Toggle Mouse Lock

, Toggle showing the scene

F2- Toggle fullscreen

F3- Toggle rendering/ wireframe modes

F4- show frame rate (click again to show graphics performance)

Escape - Exit

ctrl+ F6 - Toggle docked with code

SPACEBAR- Toggle playback of media if using 360 media

1 - Select Regions of Interest with 360 Media

IJKL - Move virtual gaze point (or just use mouse)

Alt + i - Float window and activate Vizard IDE interactive input 

Editing Models

Adding New Models

Using Inspector

Inspector is SightLab's 3D model editor

Inspector Controls

Drag Left Mouse Button: Orbit the viewpoint

Shift + Click Left Mouse Button: Move viewpoint to clicked on surface

Drag Right Mouse Button: Pan the view

Scroll Wheel: zoom towards/away from viewpoint

Z: zoom to selected node

- For more information on Inspector see this page in the Vizard documentation

Opening Models in Inspector

Checking Environment Size

Setting the Starting Point

Note: There's also a shortcut to this location at Documents\SightLab VR Projects 2.0\Util_Files\SightLab_Resources.

Transforming Objects

Use these tools to modify objects in your scene:

To change the participant's starting position, move and rotate the SIGHTLAB_START_POINT object.

Adding Objects of Interest

If your environment model doesn't include all the objects you want to measure eye tracking data on:

Understanding Nodes

Creating Group Nodes

Renaming Objects

Tip: To automatically exclude an object from data collection, add the tag "_env" to its group name.

Adding Regions of Interest to 3D Model Scenes

Regions of Interest (ROIs) allow you to specify areas in your scene for data collection or interaction. Here's how to add them:

Adding ROI Objects

Positioning ROIs

Naming ROIs

Creating Multiple ROIs

Saving Changes

Working with 360 Media 

SightLab VR also supports 360-degree videos and images. Here's how to work with them:

Switching to 360 Media Mode

Selecting Media

Media Options

Adjust these settings for your 360 media:

Adding Regions of Interest to 360 Media

Tip: Press the ";" (semicolon) key to lock the mouse cursor on the window and maintain focus.

Placing ROIs in 360 Media

Customizing ROIs

After setting a new region, you can:

Tip: Reduce the opacity of ROIs once you've set them all so participants don't see them during the experiment.

Configuring Trials

After setting up your 3D models and/or 360 media, you can configure trial-by-trial or condition parameters in the "Trials" section.

Count - Enter the number of trials you want to generate in the "Count" field and click "Generate" (these will then be able to be saved as your project or a block of trials in the .stlb project file). 

Current Trial - Click the dropdown to jump to any of the trials or conditions, where you can adjust parameters such as the various conditions of which environment you are using, which objects are being modified, various triggers and more. 

Can also use the left and right arrow keys to go between trials/conditions and use the "+" and "-" symbols to add or delete trials (if adding a trial this will insert it directly after the current one, deleting will delete the current one). 

Tracking -  Keep this checked to save to the data files and allow for the session replay. Uncheck if you are wanting to run practice trials or not save any data or use the replay mode. 

In the "Label" field you can enter a specific label or condition for this trial. This will save into the data files. 

Adjust what are the start and end conditions per trial (or select default to apply this to all trials). For instance you can choose the start or end of a trial to be the following:

When you are finished with setting your Experiment Options, click "Done"

Finalizing Your Project

Note: For more advanced randomization options or to randomize blocks of trials, you'll need to use the code.

Thresholds Section

Options Section

Now you can click "Continue" to test your project. This can now be run as a participant with your chosen hardware. See the section "Running a Session Single User" or "Running a Session Multi-User", or see "Supported Hardware" with links to how to set up your hardware configuration.