External Application Data Recorder

External Application Data Recorder 

The External Application Data Recorder allows you to record, save and synchronize sensor data while running external VR applications from any source (SteamVR game, Oculus, Web application, etc.). This uses the Nvidia Shadow Play recording feature to also have the option of recording and saving a video that can then be viewed back and matched up with the data recording.

List of some of the data that can be recorded (will be saved to the data folder, unless a different directory is chosen):

Some limitations:

Note to record videos you need to install the pyautogui python library using the Package Manager, as well as install Tkinter from the Vizard installer

If getting error " A supported game is required" message, make sure you are using your dedicated graphics card and not the onboard one

This can also be modified to use other screen recording options

To Run:

List of configurable options using Data_Recorder_Config.py:

#Choose whether to communicate with Biopac AcqknowledgeBIOPAC_ON = False
#Key that can set when certain events happen, saves to data file and sends marker to AcqknowledgeNETWORK_SYNC_KEY = 't'
#Choose if wanting to send a network based eventUSE_NETWORK_EVENT = False
#Option to save all eye tracking gaze mat data to the data fileRECORD_GAZE_MAT = False
#Save facial expression data (Meta Quest Pro or Vive Face Tracker)RECORD_FACE_TRACKER_DATA = False
#Start and stop a video recording using Nvidia Shadow PlayRECORD_VIDEO_SHADOW_PLAY = True
#How long to wait for the video to start recording when the session startsTIMER_TO_START_VIDEO_RECORDING = 3
#Set path to video recording for replayPATH_TO_VIDEO = ''