Mixed Reality Eye Tracking

Mixed Reality Eye Tracking

Updated for version 1.9.9 (contact support@worldviz.com if need latest version)

To utilize eye tracking on top of real world objects, see the example MixedReality_EyeTracking.py in the ExampleScripts-Mixed Reality folder


Spacebar- Start and Stop Data Collection

Trigger to grab regions

t- print region 1 pos, y- print region 2 pos

r - reset position

l- hide all regions

o- toggle origin

c,g - measuring tape start and end points desktop

RH grip and RH B button - measuring tape start and end points headset

To be able to collect eye tracking data on real world objects, then use visualizations such as a heatmap, follow these steps:

Use the 'o' key to toggle the virtual origin object on or off

To view in passthrough choose "OpenXR" and you will need to edit the attention_map.py file in sightlab_utils (will have to turn on permissions) to change line 33 to " gl_FragColor.a = 0.5;" in order to see the passthrough scene on the session replay.