Example Scripts/Templates

See the folder “ExampleScripts” for some common examples you can copy and paste into your project.  See the individual instructions for each one. 

Examples included: 

Examples of 4 different Visual Search tasks using STIM files and saving data

Use 2D videos displayed on a virtual screen. Analyze and playback user interactions. Also supports stereo video playback. 

Elements in the scene react to your gaze. 

Use a car or other vehicle in your eyetracking simulation

Challenge Fear of Heights in the Walk the Plank demo. Capture fixations and heatmaps and send signals to Biopac Acqknowledge

Demonstrates adding a virtual mirror to a scene and swapping head and hands, or can use tracked avatar 

Turn physics on in your application

See how to add avatars in your application

Add proximity sensors for location based interactions

Generate bar charts, histograms, box plots using Matplotlib, Numpy, PANDAs, Plotly and Seaborn (requires installing those libraries)

See how to import into an existing Vizard script

Shared Gaze

Multi-user sample showing time spent in shared gaze

Template for displaying 360 Media Stimulus in a randomized order

Investigate human spatial memory with this example of a behavioral research experiment . 

See how to set flags using a controller or keyboard press.

Track and playback heart rate using the Omnicept headset

Use and modify a 3D menu for interacting with the scene

See how to connect and send markers to Biopac's Acqknowledge software for measuring additional physiological metrics, such as EEG, heart rate, skin conductance and more

Pupil Diameter baseline

Establish a baseline for pupil diameter using various light intensity values.

Add instructions for a participant (accessiable via the "settings.py" file)

Pigeon Hunt

Follow the sound of hooting pigeons and catch them before they fly away. 

Audio Recording and Transcriptions

Add audio to the replay captured from your microphone. Can also save an audio transcript

See how to use a STIM file to setup independent variables

Run tests to evaluate Eye Tracker hardware performance

Drop Collections of models, videos, images and audio into folders and cycle through them with either single or multi-user

Examples of using Mixed and Augmented Reality

See how to perform eye tracking studies on real world objects

Examples for using upper body tracking with the Meta Quest Pro

Example for running experiments on a timer or using a different event to start/stop the experiment

Interact with a virtual agent enabled with Chat-GPT or Claude

Set up an educational experience to get audio and visual annotations on various objects in a scene

Use a selector tool to interact with the scene

Use Hand Tracking from the Meta Quest Pro to grab and interact with objects using physics

Using an image to instruct participants

See how feedback from physiological sensors can change the appearance of a ball. VR and Augmented Reality Versions

Example showing how to move over elevations, ramps, enable falling

Jump to various locations in a scene. Use either the arc teleport, a virtual menu with saved locations or keypresses

See various ways to save, view and analyze face tracking data

See how to restrict a user's movement when navigating a large space, where you don't want a user to go outside a boundary

Convert the cartesian 3D data points to equirectangular

Use full body avatars in a conversation manner. Save audio, transcripts in addition to video and replay

Use either a static seated, standing, or tracked full body avatar

Built in example for compressing video for smoother playback with 360 VR video

Tool for measuring objects in AR or VR

Use VR controllers or Vive Trackers to track feet in VR

Track objects or full body with Vive Trackers 

See how to show real world objects on top of a VR scene

See how to save data on grab and release events

Simple Experiment to measure Distance Perception and gauge user performance

Template for making choices between two objects using various input methods. Use for Consumer Preference Studies , Product Placement, Decision Making Strategies and more

Hand Tracking Gesture Control

Control aspects of the scene using gestures

Glaucoma Simulation

See how to add an artifact or object that moves with the gaze point. This example shows a Glaucoma type artifact. 

See more examples in the Vizard Documentation

Additional Examples Available (Contact Sales@Worldviz.com to inquire about how to get access)

Driving 360 

See the integration of a 360 video with 3D models in a drive through NY city

Shopping Visual Search 

A visual search task to look for a grocery item

Virtual Cockpit

Flying demo inside a virtual cockpit

Phobia Stimulus Presentation

Measure the ability to gauge the direction of objects while being exposed to various spiders and control objects

Apartment/ Building Review

Examples of various apartments and buildings 

Record data from an external application outside of Vizard

Operating Room

View an interactive operating room using the Boom IK module