SightLab 2.0 Code Attributes and Methods
importing SightLab
No Longer need to import vizconnect, viz, vizfx, viztask as those are now added to the settings file
Creating and configuring a SightLab instance
sightlab = sightlab.SightLab()
Setting to not use GUI
sightlab = sightlab.SightLab(gui = False)
Class SightLab
Class SightLab
The SightLab class initializes an environment for visual experiments with configurable attributes for GUI elements, data logging, and screen recording settings.
Setting the Environment
env = vizfx.addChild('sightlab_resources/environments/dojo2.osgb')
Configures the environment settings for the experiment.
def setEnvironment(env, trial='DEFAULT', mode='MODEL_3D', mediaType="video", mediaFormat="Stereoscopic T/B", headlightIntensity=0):Parameters: env: The environment object to be used. trial (str): Trial type, default is 'DEFAULT'. mode (str): The mode of the experiment, default is 'MODEL_3D', use 'MEDIA_360 for 360 media. mediaType (str): Type of media used, default is 'video', option for 'image'. mediaFormat (str): Format of the media, default is 'stereo'. headlightIntensity (int): Intensity of the headlight, default is 0, set to "1" or "2" for headlight on.
Setting Trial Count
Adding Target Objects
sightlab.addSceneObject(name,sceneObject,gaze = True)
Note: If not a child of the environment, then SceneObjects must be added before scheduling sightlab in the code (i.e. before sightlab.startTrial())
Parameters:objectName (str):The name identifier for the scene object to be added.sceneObject:The scene object instance to be added to the scene.gaze (bool, optional, default: False):If True, the scene object will be added to the gaze interaction category. It enables gaze tracking for the object.grab (bool, optional, default: False):If True, the scene object will be added to the grab interaction category. It enables grabbing interactions for the object.visible (bool, optional, default: True):If False, the scene object will be made invisible. This involves setting the alpha value to viz.OFF and disabling shadow casting for the object.avatar (bool, optional, default: False):If True, the scene object is treated as an avatar and is added to the avatar objects category.Grabbing Objects
sightlabObject.addSceneObject("tablet", tablet, gaze = False, grab = True)
Adding Object Only for Tracking
sightlab.addSceneObject('ball', ball)
Multiple Objects
sceneDict = {'Soccerball': [True, True],'Baseball': [True, True],'Globe': [True, True]}for item in sceneDict: sightlab.addSceneObject(item, env.getChild(item), gaze = sceneDict[item][0], grab = sceneDict[item][1]) Starting Trials
Starting a trial in SightLab can be done using the start/end conditions in the GUI, keyboard events or programmatically within a script. Below are methods to initiate trials:
Using Keyboard Events:
To start a trial using the spacebar, you can set up a keyboard event:
vizact.onkeydown(' ', sightlab.startTrial)
This binds the spacebar to start the trial.
Programmatic Start:
To start a trial programmatically, use the following approach within a Vizard task:
yield viztask.waitKeyDown('s') # Waits for the 's' key to be pressed
yield sightlab.startTrial(trialLength=60, trialLabel ="A", startTrialText="Beginning Trial", textContinueEvent='triggerPress')
This example waits for the 's' key and then starts the trial with specified parameters.
startTrial(condition = NO_CONDITION, trialLength=-1, trialLabel="A", startTrialText=None, startExperimentText=None, textContinueEvent='triggerPress', textContinueKey=None, trackingDataLogging=True, replayDataLogging=True, experimentSummaryLogging = None, timeLineLogging = None, startPoint = None, startEuler = None)
condition : Can choose what starts the trial (options are KEY_PRESS, TIMER, ON_MEDIA_END, ON_GAZE_TIME and CUSTOM_EVENT). Note this can also be left to None and use a yield viztask like "yield viztask.waitKeyDown" or this can be set up in the GUI.
trialLength (int): Duration of the trial in seconds. -1 means no time limit.
trialLabel (str): Sets the trial label.
startTrialText (str): Optional text to display at the start of the trial.
startExperimentText (str): Optional text to display at the start of the experiment.
startRatings: Set up a start rating scale
textContinueEvent(str): event to start the trial (i.e. 'triggerPress')
textContinueKey: key to start the trial (i.e. ' ')
trackingDataLogging(bool): track data logging on or off
replayDataLogging(bool): track logging for the replay
experimentDataLogging(bool): track logging for the experiment summary
timelineLogging(bool): track logging for the timeline
startPoint: change the starting position
startEuler: change the starting rotation
Ending Trials
Ending a trial can be done via keyboard events, callbacks, or directly within a function.
Using Keyboard Events:
vizact.onkeydown('e', sightlab.endTrial)
Programmatic End:
yield sightlab.endTrial()
Using Callbacks:
Schedules the trial to end based on specific events or conditions within your experiment flow.
endTrial(condition = NO_CONDITION, endTrialText = None, endExperimentText = None, textContinueEvent = "triggerPress", textContinueKey = None, textContinueTimer = None, endRatings = None)
condition = NO_CONDITION: Choose what ends the trial. (options are KEY_PRESS, TIMER, ON_MEDIA_END, ON_GAZE_TIME and CUSTOM_EVENT)
endTrialText (str): Optional text to display at the end of the trial.
endExperimentText (str): Optional text to display at the end of the experiment.
endRatings : Set up an end rating scale
Direct Event Trigger:
To directly send an event to end a trial from within a function:
Use this method when you need to trigger the end of a trial based on specific logic or external conditions.
Scheduling SightLab
Setting Condition Based on Vizconnect being Used
if sightlab.getConfig() == "Meta Pro Body":
Changing Starting Position
SightLab (can also add a Starting Point object in the GUI (see Creating a New Scene)
#or can use this
Session Replay Starting Point
Checking which object is being Targeted
if e.object == sightlab.sceneObjects[GAZE_OBJECTS][TARGET_PAINTING]:
Get Current Time
Accessing the Environment Object
env = sightlab.getEnvironment()
Using the environment object in context
def sightLabExperiment():
global env
yield viztask.waitEvent(EXPERIMENT_START)
env = sightlab.getEnvironment()
#If need access to it before use env = None, and put inside a function that can be called after it is set in the trial
def initialize_environment():
target = env.getChild(name)
def sightLabExperiment():
global env
yield viztask.waitEvent(EXPERIMENT_START)
env = sightlab.getEnvironment()
Changing Models to use for Avatar
head = vizfx.addChild(AVATAR_HEAD_RESOURCE_PATH+'/Male1.osgb'))sightlab.setAvatarHead(head)Other way
sightlab.setAvatarHead(head = vizfx.addChild(AVATAR_HEAD_RESOURCE_PATH+'/Male1.osgb'))
#Setting Hands
sightlab.setAvatarRightHand(rightHand= vizfx.addChild(AVATAR_HANDS_RESOURCE_PATH+'/empty.osgb'))
Toggling Visibility of Overlays
Many settings are now accessible via the sightlab object (see here). The settings file is now in the sightlab_utils folder. See the settings documentation page for more details
Adding to the Data Files
addCustomFlagColumn(self, columnName)
addTrackingTrialDataColumn(self, columnName, trackedObject, dataType='SIXDOF', mode=4)
Adding a Custom Flag
sightlab.setCustomTrialData('name of flag')
Changing Data Directories
Setting multiple objects to Experiment Summary
# Create a dictionary with all the data
experimentData = {
'Object Size': sceneObjectSizeString,
'Time to Find Target': time_to_find_target,
'Target Position': targetPos,
'Target Correct': targetCorrect,
'Confidence Level': sightlab.ratingChoice}
# Iterate through the dictionary and set each item
for columnName, data in experimentData.items():
sightlab.setExperimentSummaryData(columnName, data)
sightlab.customExperimentDataColumns = experimentData
Setting Condition/Label
yield sightlab.startTrial(trialLabel = "A")
HeadLight On or Off
sightlab.setHeadLight(state, intensity = None, color = None)
Adding additional file to the Data folder
fileName = '{d}_{}_experiment_data._trial_{t}.pdf'.format(d=sightlab.dateTime, p=sightlab.participantData, t=sightlab.trialNumber)
fullPath = os.path.join(sightlab.getExperimentDataFolderPath(), fileName)
drawChart(fullPath, sightlab.getPlotData())
Toggling on and off tracking per trial
import sightlab_utils.sightlab as slfrom sightlab_utils.settings import *sightlab = sl.SightLab(gui = False,trackingdatalogging=False,replaydatalogging = False,timelinelogging= False, experimentdatalogging= False)
#Example showing how to set environment. Note that environment should be defined before #objects of interestenv = vizfx.addChild("sightlab_resources/environments/dojo.osgb")
#set number of trialssightlab.setTrialCount(5)
#add objects of interestsoccerball = env.getChild('soccerball')basketball = env.getChild('basketball')sightlab.addSceneObject('soccerball', soccerball,gaze = True, grab = True)sightlab.addSceneObject('basketball', basketball,gaze = True, grab = True)
def sightLabExperiment(): yield viztask.waitKeyDown(' ') while True: #Length of each trial yield sightlab.startTrial(trialLength=3, startTrialText= 'start trial') if sightlab.getTrialNumber() >=2: yield sightlab.startTrial(trialLength=3, trackingDataLogging = True, replayDataLogging = True, experimentSummaryLogging = True, timeLineLogging = True) else: yield sightlab.startTrial(trialLength=3) yield viztask.waitEvent(TRIAL_END) #Length of cooldown between trials yield viztask.waitTime(2)
Session Replay
from sightlab_utils import replay as Replay
from sightlab_utils.replay_settings import *
replay = replay.SightLabReplay()
To change the name of a session replay you need to keep the end tag:
replay_data_1 tag
Set position
Accessing environment SessionReplay
env = replay.getEnvironmentObject()
Accessing Scene Objects
screen = replay.sceneObjects[GAZE_OBJECTS]['screen']
Getting Trial Number
trial_number = int(replay.currTrial)
Getting Gaze Point
gazePointObject = replay.sceneObjects[GAZE_POINT_OBJECT]['1']
Additional Functionality Changes
Rating Scale
yield sightlab.showRatings('how are you feeling?',ratingScale= scaleList, pauseTimer = True)
scaleList can be anything now (i.e. "A", "B", "C" or "Yes", "No")
sightlab.ratingChoice #Get a handle to the rating that is chosen
Can also add a start or end rating scale (see startTrial and endTrial)
yield sightlab.showInstructions('test')
yield viztask.waitEvent('triggerPress')
yield sightlab.hideInstructions()
Gaze Based Interactions
def gazeActionEnd(e):
if e.object == sightlab.sceneObjects[GAZE_OBJECTS]['target_objecct']:
print('item found')
vizact.addCallback(sightlab.GAZE_TIME_EVENT, findItem)
Adjusting Fixations/Saccade Parameters
Note: these need to be set after .startTrial()
sightlab.setDwellTimeThreshold(dwellTime = DWELL_THRESHOLD)
sightlab.setFixationSaccadeThresholds(dispersionThreshold = 1, durationThreshold = 0.1)
Reset Position
viz.callback(viz.getEventID('ResetPosition'), sightlab.resetViewPoint)
This will reset your position back to the origin relative to your physical location. To change this point to a different value, will need to manually add the resetPosition code.
Change Default Folder
Set Starting Text
sightlab.setStartText('press Spacebar to start')
Run a Loop per trial
for i in range(sightlab.getTrialCount()):
Scene Objects
Regions to not be visible
sightlab.addSceneObject("wall2", wall2, gaze = True, visible = False)
Getting Access to Eye Tracker
Getting Access to Regions of Interest for 360 Media
region1 = sightlab.getRegionOfInterest('tire')
Setting the STIM File Path
# Initialize StimReader with the STIM file
SR = stim_reader.StimReader(STIM_FILE_LOCATION)
Additional Changes and Notes
ENVIRONMENT is a constant already used, use "ENVIRONMENT_MODEL" instead
Getting Position of Child Objects
If you are using env.getChild to access your objects you need to use a .getTransform to access the object's position:
targetTransform = env.getTransform('targetTransform')
It also works to call the getChild command on the GEODE associated with the object
Set Maximum Distance for intersection of Gaze Point
Getting 360 Media Sphere and Video File
Method Reference
Trial Management
setTrialCount(count): Sets the total number of trials for the experiment.
getTrialCount(): Returns the total number of trials.
setTrialLength(seconds): Defines the length of each trial.
startTrial(trialLength=-1, ...): Begins a trial, optionally specifying trial length, conditions, and starting text.
endTrial(endTrialText=None, endExperimentText=None): Ends a trial and optionally displays text at the end of the trial or experiment.
resetTrial(): Resets the current trial.
getTrialNumber(): Retrieves the current trial number.
runTrial(): Runs a trial based on pre-configured settings.
getCurrentTrialDirectory(): Returns the directory where the current trial data is stored.
getCurrentRepetition(): Returns the current repetition number for repeated trials.
setStartText(text): Sets the text displayed at the start of the trial.
Object Management
addSceneObject(name, object, gaze=False, grab=False, visible=True, avatar=False): Adds an object to the scene for gaze, grab, or tracking interactions.
removeSceneObject(objectName): Removes a previously added scene object.
removeGazeObject(objectName): Removes an object from gaze tracking.
removeGrabObject(objectName): Removes an object from grab tracking.
removeInvisibleObject(objectName): Removes objects that were set as invisible.
setGazePointObject(): Defines an object that represents the participant's gaze.
getGazePointObject(): Retrieves the current gaze point object.
Avatar Management
setAvatarHead(head): Sets the head model for an avatar.
getAvatarHead(): Retrieves the current head model of the avatar.
setAvatarLeftHand(): Sets the left-hand model for an avatar.
setAvatarRightHand(): Sets the right-hand model for an avatar.
getAvatarLHand(): Gets the current left-hand model of the avatar.
getAvatarRHand(): Gets the current right-hand model of the avatar.
Gaze and Tracking
setDwellTimeThreshold(seconds): Sets the amount of time a participant needs to gaze at an object for it to be logged as a "dwell."
getCurrentGazeEventData(): Retrieves the current gaze data.
getGazeTimeObject(): Returns the current object being gazed at.
setFixationSaccadeThresholds(): Sets the thresholds for defining fixations and saccades in the eye-tracking data.
showGazePath(): Displays the path of the participant's gaze over time.
toggleGazePoint(): Toggles the visibility of the gaze point in the scene.
Data Logging
setDataDirectory(path): Sets the directory where data logs are saved.
setExperimentSummaryData(column, value): Adds custom data to the experiment summary log.
addTrackingTrialDataColumn(name): Adds a new column to the tracking data logs.
setCustomTrialData(value, column): Sets a custom value in a specified trial data column.
setDataLoggingState(state): Enables or disables data logging.
getPlotData(): Retrieves data for creating visual plots from the trial data.
getExperimentDataFolderPath(): Gets the folder path where experiment data is saved.
Ratings and Instructions
showRatings(text, options): Displays a rating scale for participants to provide feedback during a trial.
hideRatings(): Hides the rating scale from the view.
showInstructions(text): Displays instructional text during the experiment.
hideInstructions(): Hides the instructions currently shown to the participant.
Recording and Replay
compressRecording(): Compresses the recorded session for playback.
screenCapture(): Captures a screenshot of the current scene.
storeReplayExecCode(code): Stores executable code during replay mode.
setCustomReplayFlag(flag): Sets a custom flag for replay purposes.
getMediaObject(): Retrieves media objects for replay.
addToTimeline(event): Adds an event to the trial timeline for later reference.
getTimeLineData(): Returns timeline data captured during the trial.
Control and Transport
resetViewPoint(): Resets the participant's viewpoint to a default position.
setStartPoint(position): Sets the starting position for the participant in the scene.
setTransportPosition(position): Sets the position for the transport object (if using one).
setTransportState(state): Enables or disables transport mechanics (e.g., walking, teleporting).
HUD and Console
toggleHUD(): Toggles the visibility of the heads-up display (HUD).
setConsoleState(state): Enables or disables the console display.
togglePoint(): Toggles the display of point markers in the scene.
setHeadlight(intensity): Sets the intensity of the headlight (lighting attached to the participant's viewpoint).
Region of Interest (ROI)
addRegionOfInterest(name, object): Adds a region of interest (ROI) to the scene for tracking focus.
getRegionOfInterest(name): Retrieves a specific ROI object from the scene.
Experiment Control
runExperiment(): Starts the experiment loop.
resetExperiment(): Resets the experiment to its initial state.
conditionEventManager(): Manages condition-based events for the experiment.
experimentSetupCompleteStatus(): Checks if the experiment setup is completed.
getConfig(): Retrieves the configuration settings of the experiment.
setConfigDirectory(path): Sets the directory where configuration files are stored.
setRecordingsDirectory(path): Sets the directory where recordings are saved.
setMaxDistance(distance): Sets the maximum distance for collecting gaze data.
setConditionName(name): Sets the name for the current condition of the experiment.
getConditionName(): Retrieves the current condition name.
setHighlighter(object): Enables a highlighter on the specified object to make it visually stand out.
For more information on the additional modules and code available with Vizard see the Vizard Documentation. Or the Vizard Command Index